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Mindfully Listening: Mindfulness and Parshat Matot

The beginning of the weekly Torah portion, Matot, opens with Moses’ instructions to the tribes about vows and oaths– how they should be honored and what are the rules if they need to be annulled. “When a man makes a vow or takes an oath to obligate himself by a pledge, he must not break his word and must do everything he said.”

What does this have to do with the preparation of entering the Land of Israel after a 40 year sojourn in the wilderness?

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks explains that as the Children of Israel are getting ready to enter the Promised Land, they are preparing to build a society– a just and orderly society with Torah laws as the basis.

Besides law and order, for a society to function people need to trust each other, as well as the leaders and those who enforce the laws. We need to trust the leaders and the enforcers of the laws.

One cardinal way to foster trust is by keeping your word, keeping your promises.

Words are important.

Rabbi Sacks notes that the world was created with words– “And G-d said, let there be…. and there was.”

G-d can do that. G-d, through words, can create entire worlds.

For people to create reality with words, someone has to hear those words. If I want to delegate a task at work or home, someone needs to hear what I’m saying to make it happen. For people, words are impactful when someone hears them- when there is a listener. Listening is key in human relations.

Through mindfulness practice, we can work on skills such as listening, hearing, accepting, and paying attention to the conditions that have been established at this very moment.

Mindfulness practice allows us to first and foremost listen to ourselves—and not just our ideas, but also our feelings, our impulses, and our bodies. When we can listen to ourselves, we can then better listen to others: If people feel heard, then they are more likely to trust. Mindful listening is a way of listening without judgment, criticism, or interruption while being aware of internal thoughts and reactions that may get in the way of people communicating with you effectively.

If your mind and attention are not engaged, you may miss everything the speaker said. This is the difference between hearing what is said versus listening to what is said. Hearing is the physical ability to hear sound, but listening is actively processing what you’re receiving and responding appropriately.

Tips for Mindful Listening

  • Eliminate distractions during the conversation, such as cell phones, noises, and anything else that will hinder your ability to focus on the person and make them feel valued. (important)

  • Focus on what is true for the speaker at the moment

  • Suspend judgment and listen openly

  • Listen to the words & the underlying perceptions, beliefs and assumptions

  • Attentive body language through soft eye contact, leaning forward slightly, open body stance

  • Non-verbal encouragers such as head nods, concerned / responsive facial expressions

  • Express empathy when appropriate

  • Paraphrase what the speaker has said when they are done

  • Focus our attention on the speaker’s experiences or ideas, noticing yourself referencing your own experiences that might arise and letting that go

  • Notice how you’re listening to someone, and whether you’re already formulating your response while the other person is speaking, rather than processing what is being said. A successful outcome can depend on a couple of things: how you are and what you say. How you are, meaning supportive, curious, or problem-solving– will greatly influence what you say. Don’t assume others can see things from your point of view. Ask yourself if you have personal trigger points with the person you’re listening to such as an earlier argument or sensitivity in your relationship.

Any of these factors could impact how you listen, and will require an extra layer of reflectivity to keep the space open for good listening.

Practice being aware of your body language while you’re in a conversation. While listening, do you nod a lot? Do you allow your gaze to wander, or stare at the speaker too much? Becoming aware of what your body language communicates to others helps you become not only a more effective communicator but also a more effective listener. By helping the speaker feel that you’re truly listening and engaged, you facilitate trust and better communication. Listening is not passive.

Try this mindful listening exercise with another person:

-Set a timer for 3 minutes:

-Person one speaks for 3 mins while person two listens

You can share something on your mind or something that happened to you recently.

You don’t have to fill the entire 3 minutes. If you run out of things to say, just stop speaking and sit in silence until you feel like talking again. Your turn is over when 3 minutes are up

-Person one starts with ” I want to share with you ……….”

This can be anything, positive, negative or neutral.

-Person two practices mindful listening, which means listening, without responding,

and noticing when thoughts or a response comes up in the mind.

-When number one finishes, number two says “Thank you for sharing”. Nothing more.

-Switch roles, with person two now as the mindful speaker and one as a mindful listener.

-Reset the timer for 3 minutes.

When you listen mindfully, you are fully present in the moment, which means you can absorb the speaker's whole message, and he can feel heard and respected. By being present, cultivating empathy, and listening to your own cues, you can learn to let go of reactions and other distractions that block your understanding, so that you can be open to the ideas of others. Just as taking and fulfilling vows in the parsha was a way of building up trust needed for a healthy society, so too can mindful listening help build stronger and healthier relationships, and that could have a ripple effect with far-reaching societal impact.

*Listen on Insight Timer:


Unleashing Our Potential: Mindfulness & Parshat Pinchas

In Pinchas, this week’s Torah portion, we learn about two situations where people come forward to passionately act on their beliefs: Pinchas the high priest and grandson of Aharon, and the daughters of Tzelolfhad.

Pinchas sees Bnei Yisrael, the children of Israel, consorting with foreign women and engaging in idol worship. One such person, Zimri, was a prince of the tribe of Shimon -- a dignitary of sorts -- and was flaunting his immoral behavior in public. Pinchas dares

to be the judge and executioner and kills Zimri on the spot. Because of his action,

the punishment of a plague is stayed and the people are saved.

But for our sages, it is not so simple, as they are divided and conflicted about his move since it was effectively executed without a trial. Pinchas acted on his own out of his zealotry. The rabbis teach that this was a one time situation, and that we should not contemplate taking similar action into our own hands.

Later on in the parsha, we read another story, about the courageous and idealistic daughters of Tzelofhad. Their father died, and they went to Moses to ask for their inheritance in the Land of Israel, something that up until that time was assumed would only go to sons, not daughters.

"Let not our father’s name be lost to his tribe just because he had no son!" they said. The daughters stood up for what they knew to be right and mustered the courage to advocate for themselves and for others.

Both Pinchas and the daughters of Tzelofhad were passionate and took action based on their beliefs. In so doing, they fulfilled their potential despite the risks.

We all have potential. How can we cultivate this potential?

What are you passionate about? What is important to you?

First of all, clarifying your values is a good place to start.

As you clarify what is important to you and what you are passionate about, here are a few suggestions to keep in mind :

1) Know Yourself

When you truly know yourself, when you honestly recognize your strengths and weaknesses, you can see what you want to improve in yourself and move in that direction. But it always begins with honestly knowing yourself.

For example, if you wish to become more efficient in your work, you have to be transparent with what’s holding you back — perhaps you put things off or need help to organize your time.

2) Let Go of Perfectionism

Perfectionism is not healthy and does not help us achieve what we want; it’s not the same as trying to be our best. The perfect is the enemy of the good. We should strive to improve ourselves, not by being overly self-critical, but rather from a place of looking at ourselves in a non-judgemental, calm and level-headed manner.

3) Push Yourself Outside of Your Comfort Zone

To grow and reach your potential, it’s important to take on challenges that push you outside of your comfort zone. Over time, you might feel confident in taking on even bigger challenges.

To quote Brene Brown, “you can choose courage or you can choose comfort. You cannot have both.” Stepping outside of your comfort zone, into what is referred to as the “growth zone,” isn’t comfortable! This doesn’t necessarily mean diving into the deep end, but rather finding a healthy balance.

In what areas of life do you choose to stay in your comfort zone?

Where could you push yourself more?

4) Think of What really Matters to You

What do you believe in? What brings you the most joy or gets you excited?

It could, for example, be exploring new places, relationships, learning a new skill, or volunteering in your community.

How do you figure out what really matters to you?

Try “meditating on it!"

Let’s try this Mindfulness Practice for exploring what’s important to you

Start by defining your core values by asking yourself what you must have in your life to feel fulfilled. Some examples of core values are family, creativity, prosperity, wellness, adventure, knowledge, justice, and gratitude.

Here are a few questions to help you define your core values:

* If you had to immediately evacuate your home, what important objects would you pack?

*What values are indispensable to your life?

*What values are crucial to supporting your inner self?

Mirabai Bush, a fellow at the Center for the Contemplative Mind and mindfulness teacher, teaches this mindful practice:

Sit quietly, breathing in and out.

Think of the values that matter most to you and how they might be utilized in a job or hobby. Taking a moment and holding this image in your mind, and see what arises.

Don’t push things aside because they don’t make sense.

Be open to what arises. Allow its story to unfold without judgment.

Does this story point to a new activity or direction for you?

Allow yourself to pause and take a deep breath.

Try to adopt a beginner’s mind while you are contemplating these questions, in other words, approaching them like you’re seeing them for the first time with no preconceived ideas of what you’re thinking about. This may help give you access to the answers that your conscious mind might not be aware of yet.

Bring awareness of your breath. Remember that your mind doesn’t have all the answers. Create a space for new insights and revelations to emerge.

Don’t be discouraged if your first answers don’t reveal a strong passion.

Not all of us have a fiery passion inside us like Pinchas and the daughters of Tzelolfhad.

We can continue to ask ourselves what is important to us, and listen gently to the answers. And then we can truly start living by our values to fulfill our potential.

*Listen to this on Insight Timer:

For more information about the next mindfulness course with Susie:


An Abundance of Blessings: Mindfulness and Parshat Balak

In this week's Torah portion, Balak, Balaam is approached by King Balak of Moab to curse Bnei Yisrael, the people of Israel. Balaam was a pagan prophet whose fame reached far and wide.

Balak feels threatened by Bnei Yisrael– this strange and vast people who were enslaved in Egypt and who “cover the face of the earth” .

I know that whoever you bless is blessed and whoever you curse is cursed,” Balak tells Balaam.

Balak promises riches to Balaam in exchange for cursing Bnei Yisrael..

Balaam explains that he can only say words that G-d approves of ("I cannot go beyond the word of G-d”).

Three times Balaam goes to curse the people and three times instead of cursing them, he blesses them.

The third time he says: “מַה־טֹּ֥בוּ אֹהָלֶ֖יךָ יַעֲקֹ֑ב מִשְׁכְּנֹתֶ֖יךָ יִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃

How goodly are your tents, O Jacob, your dwellings, Israel.” (Numbers 24:5)

Did Balaam really believe what he said, or were these words put in his mouth by G-d that he merely articulated?

Well known Jewish commentator Rashi says that Balaam did see good in Bnei Yisrael. He took a deep look and noticed something small– that there were spaces between the tents, affording the people privacy and allowing them to conduct their lives modestly.

Whether or not Balaam understood the blessings that G-d placed in his mouth,

what we can learn from this story is the idea of taking a deeper look at all the things around us. Where can we rediscover the good in our homes, neighborhoods and society? What assumptions deserve a fresh look and deeper reflection?

Another lesson from this week’s Torah portion is to cultivate our belief in the power of blessings and love. Balaam set out to give curses, but in the end delivered blessings.

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks comments that G-d is teaching us that love can turn curses into blessings. “It is the only force capable of defeating hate. Love heals the wounds of the world.”

We are often compelled in today's world to be consumed by our fears and to think in terms of “us versus them”.

How can we develop our capacity to appreciate what we have around us? How can we turn our inclination to curse into a tendency to bless?

Mindfulness can help us to perceive things as they really are, and notice and appreciate things that we might take for granted. As a result, we might be inclined to recite blessings, such as “How goodly are your tents..”

Loving kindness meditation is a practice which involves repeating a set of phrases sending out blessings for you, people you care for and all beings, such as be happy, be peaceful, and be healthy.

Sharon Salzberg, author of Lovingkindness, explains:

…”the practice of loving-kindness is about cultivating love as a strength, a muscle, a tool that challenges our tendency to see people–including ourselves–as disconnected and isolated from one another. Loving-kindness is about opening ourselves up to others with compassion. “

We will now do a loving kindness meditation together.

Take a moment to settle in . Getting comfortable in your chair or wherever you’re sitting.

Checking your posture . Sitting straight, shoulders relaxed.

Taking a moment to notice your breath. (pause)

Observing the rhythm of your breath.

Allowing your breath to flow naturally, and reciting inwardly the following phrases directed to your own well-being. Beginning with yourself. You begin with yourself because without loving yourself it is difficult to love others.

You can create your own phrases that you connect to and best open your heart. Repeat these phrases over and over again, letting the feelings permeate your body and mind.

So sending yourself these blessings:

May I be safe and free from harm

May I be healthy in mind and body

May I be free from suffering and live with ease

May I be happy.

May I treat myself kindly and compassionately

As you repeat these phrases, picture yourself as you are now, with compassion and loving kindness.

This meditation may at times feel awkward to you. It can also bring up mixed feelings or difficult feelings. If this happens, be extra patient and kind towards yourself,

And now bringing into your mind someone that you care about very much — a parent, a partner, a child, a sibling, a friend, a teacher — someone you love from the present or past . Someone who cares for you. Thinking of them makes you smile. You might have more than one. Pick one for now. If a person doesn’t come to mind, maybe someone who you know to be inspirational or you admire; someone it is easy to imagine sending good intentions or blessings to. Imagine this person that you are thinking of sitting next to you. Imagine that they can feel your presence, and feel you wishing them well as you send them these blessings:

May you be safe and free from harm May you be healthy in body and mind May you be free from suffering and live with ease May you be happy May you treat yourself kindly and compassionately

Taking a few minutes now to feel how it is to wish these things for this person, letting yourself have a sense of these blessings emanating from you to them, connecting you to them…

Let the image and feelings you have for this person arise and wash over you. Some people find lovingkindness for themselves difficult, so they begin their practice with someone they care about. That’s fine. Follow the way that most easily opens your heart.

And now think of someone that you would recognize if you saw them, but you don’t know them that well— a familiar stranger, such as the cashier at your grocery store or the person who cuts your hair. You probably don’t think about this person very much, but maybe you appreciate them and would like to send them good wishes. Imagine sending this person these blessings while they receive them :

May you be safe and free from harm

May you be healthy in body and mind.

May you be free from suffering and live with ease

May you be happy

May you treat yourself kindly and compassionately

Let any and all feelings arise within you (pause)

And now think about people you know such as neighbors, co-workers, extended family, and picture yourself standing with these people. You can bring in as many people as you want. When you have the image in you mind, wish all of you these blessings (pause):

May we be safe and free from harm

May we be healthy in body and mind.

May we be free from suffering and live with ease

May we be happy.

May we treat ourselves kindly and compassionately

Allow these blessings to flow from you to these people and also from them to you.

Take a moment to feel their presence . (pause)

And now returning to noticing your breath. Focusing on the area of the heart and lungs and imagining that area expanding and allowing all these blessings in. (pause)

May all of us everywhere feel safe and happy, live with ease, and treat ourselves kindly and compassionately. May we, in our beautiful and challenging world, lean into love, trust our “goodly” perspectives, listen to our hearts, and offer blessings to all with whom we meet.

Listen to this on Insight Timer:

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